Death to the Pixies
And I thought I was a flop-sweater before, check me out after a few hours in arid desert heat, away from shade.
I lost 20 pounds today I think. But oh, the toxins released...
Actually, the detoxification began at 8 am when I got my first deep tissue massage. Heavens, why did I wait so long? The experience is worth its own entry, but I can say that almost every part of my body let out a joyous creak, save for my center. I suppose I'll have to take Body Electric class to enter that region.
Anyways, fresh from that, filled up on a big breakfast that included dates in a variety of forms. This fruit's a bumper crop here in the Palm Springs area. And I've been told I should have a date shake before I depart.
We got to the festival right on time and caught Sahara Hotnights, Stellarstar*, Black Keys, Junior Senior (with a guest appearance by Fred Schneider), a glimpse of Beck, a few songs by Kinky and Death Cab for Cutie, the Pixies and Radiohead.
Whew. Ran into Alex, her other half Green and their two friends both named Chris.
I'm too tired to write all the details that will help cement the day in time for me, but I can say, Stellastar* continues to please me, though I've yet to unwrap their album. Black Keys make monumental sound with only two members. The Pixies well, they brought me back a decade to rowdier times and I loved every minute of their set. And for my first time seeing Radiohead live, I was impressed with how their albums translate outside the studio.
Aside from the gallons I lost through perspiration, I have to admit, this is the best lineup/music fest I've been to in my formative years. And there's more tomorrow...
Massage is one of man's greatest gifts to man. Being a massage therapist and instructor (recovering software developer/ electrical engineer), I'm fanatical about it.
Glad you had your first one, and glad it was a good experience.
Posted by: Raybob | July 30, 2006 at 12:56 AM