A post about Beautiful Losers that never made it out the door
Back in March of last year was the Beautiful Losers exhibit at the Contemporary Arts Center, but it was also the night of the stellastar* concert. I never got around to getting these photos posted.
Also never posted:
• 49 day roadtrip from 2003
• Thanksgiving in Europe from the same year
• Slew of pictures from Wonderfest in Louisville
• Coachella last year
• Jaunt from Seattle to Lazy Bear, also last year
I need to just let go of adding captions and just post them.
Baby steps.
The grammy's provided enough mindless backdrop to crop these, not so good shots from inside the gallery. Blurry mainly from stealth photography after I found out I wasn't supposed to be taking photos.
I can't wait to get back to Chicago to see the Cloud Gate.
Oh, I should mention, the Beautiful Losers exhibit left a minty fresh feeling that still lingers in my mind to this day. The wall by Ryan McGuinness pictured above was the biggest culprit.
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