I didn't get to see this in the theater, which is sad, because I craved a really big fountain soda the whole time.
Slow pace.
Beautiful in an ugly way.
Better than what I'd guess CSI is like, and just a bit disturbing in the reality department.
American Movie (site)
The photo above makes a bit more sense with voice-over: “Shot 37. Where my head goes through the cupboard. This was the one shot where i hoped we got it right the first time.”
I'm not sure how I missed this flick back in 1999 — the story of Mark Borchardt trying to get a movie made. It's a lot like Bubble in that it's a little slow, beautiful in an ugly way, and just a bit disturbing in the reality department. Seeing that it's a documentary, I suppose that makes sense.
Mark's buddy was a scene stealer in my book (here's a pic). His flat loop of a laugh coupled with his done-too-much-lsd blankness was the epitome of loyal. Which is sorta what this movie is all about.
Loyalty that is, not the bit about blowing your mind out with drugs.
Though I did crave a PBR the whole time.
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